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Cyber Attacks in the Cloud: How Do You Know Your Data is Safe? | Intel Technology

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What is the cloud? As cyber attacks get more and more frequent, how is the cloud staying secure and protecting your privacy?

In this Cyber Security Inside What That Means video, Camille and Monica Ene-Pietrosanu, Director of Software for Cloud and Enterprise Solutions at Intel, talk about all things cloud, how it works, and how it is secured.  

You’ll learn: 

  • What the cloud actually is and what is happening behind the scenes when you store something or access something on it.
  • What a hyperscale data center is and why location matters.
  • How cloud services are becoming more personalized and customizable.
  • How cloud service providers focus on privacy and security.
  • And more!

Check it out. For more information, previous podcasts, and full versions, visit our homepage at

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The views and opinions expressed are those of the guests and author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Intel Corporation.


If you are interested in emerging threats, new technologies, or best tips and practices in cybersecurity, please follow the Cyber Security Inside podcast on your favorite podcast platforms.

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Camille: @morhardt


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