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ChatGPT and Generative AI: The Great Disruptor | Intel Technology

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How will generative AI affect your job?

In this InTechnology video, Tom and Camille talk with Nicolas Babin, President of Babin Business Consulting. They get into the inner workings of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, how they work, what problems they still need to overcome, and how NFTs are related.

How Generative AI Tools like ChatGPT Work

Even as technology advances, humans remain at the center of it all. This is why Nicolas calls generative AI a human-augmented tool. With a background in developing the artificial intelligence robot AIBO, Nicolas breaks down the basics of how ChatGPT and other generative AI tools work. He explains that they are algorithms modeled after the neural architecture of the brain. They have access to large databases known as big data, and they process commands using natural language processing.

To Nicolas, generative AI is an ongoing evolution of tech that began decades ago. He claims that nearly every job will be affected by tools like ChatGPT, but that doesn’t mean those jobs are going away. Rather, they will need to transform to include generative AI. Nicolas firmly believes humans must remain at the center of this ongoing evolution.

Problems to Overcome for ChatGPT

ChatGPT and its newest version GPT-4 may seem incredible, but it’s not without its limitations. Camille gives an example of how a beta version of ChatGPT provided her with scientific references that were completely made up. Nicolas agrees that this example is not an isolated incident and that generative AI needs to do a better job at providing its sources of information, but he also finds the issue reassuring since humans are still needed to oversee these tools.

One other problem is language. While there are still some barriers to pulling information from online sources in multiple languages, advanced translation tools are already paving the way for generative AI to improve its natural language processing.

The NFT and Generative AI Connection

NFTs are more than just a fad. According to Nicolas, NFTs of generative AI art are leading the way for a “phygital” world and the economy of the metaverse. While there are still ownership concerns of generative AI art, tools like blockchain technology will help prove authenticity more and more.

Learn more about NFTs in the following episodes of What That Means with Camille:

What That Means with Camille: NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), Part 1

What That Means with Camille: NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), Part 2

Nicolas Babin, President of Babin Business Consulting

Nicolas Babin generative AI ChatGPT GPT4


Nicolas Babin is the President of Babin Business Consulting, which was founded in 2017 and helps companies in their digital transformation or development. Nicolas is also an EU Digital Ambassador, Chief Marketing Officer at Affinity Initiative, and an international keynote speaker. The World Economic Forum has named him an Expert in entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence and robots, and digital transformation. Nicolas’ other notable experience includes his time at Sony Europe, where he launched AIBO and was also Director of Corporate Communications. He has earned bachelor’s degrees in computer science and economics, along with a master’s degree in marketing and sales.


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